Advanced Settings

Created by Dariusz Szczendzina, Modified on Tue, 21 May at 3:44 PM by Ben Gilbey

Page Navigation

Click on the 'Settings' cog, and navigate to the 'Advanced Settings' tile:

You will now be directed the Advanced Settings screen where you will have a sub-menu on the left-hand side of the page. 

The Options within this sub-menu are:

  • Basic Settings
  • Audit Logs
  • Memo Field Configuration
  • Status Reason
  • Across Entities Merge Approach
  • Custom Transform Library Configuration
  • Related Entities
  • Entity Configuration
  • Auto Exact & Merge
  • Refresh Metadata

Basic Settings


  • Auto Promote After Match Alert: When creating a session, if you do not check the option for “Do you want to run auto promote immediately after the session is match?” then you will be asked if you are certain.

Set Parent Attribute (Dynamics ONLY)

This is where you can configure which attribute will be used when linking duplicate records, rather than merging them. This can be set for both the Account and Contact Entities. By default these are set to the ParentAccountID and ParentCustomerID.

Note: DQ for Dynamics will only display editable attributes.

Suppressed Record Review

After creating a session, duplicate records which have been marked as suppressed in previous sessions are identified and assigned with different review status in the session result table. Suppression settings are used to show/hide the permanently suppressed records with the help of options below:

  • Hide Permanently Suppressed Records: If selected, the Permanently Suppressed records will not be shown in the Group Review Screen. Please note - you are still able to see the Permanently Suppressed Records in the Groups Listing Screen.
  • Show Permanently Suppressed Records: If selected, the Permanently Suppressed records will be shown in the Group Listing and Group Review Screen (in collapsed mode).
  • Conditionally Hide Permanently Suppressed Records: If selected, the Permanently Suppressed records will NOT be shown for the Groups in the Group Review Screen if at least one duplicate is available to review with the Master record; otherwise Permanently Suppressed records will be shown in the Review screen in collapsed mode.

Please Note – The settings in this module will not be applicable for Temporarily Suppressed records. Temporarily Suppressed records will always be shown in a collapsed mode on the Group Review screen as they are only suppressed for a specific session.

Inactive Record Review

  • Hide Inactive Records - The DQ for Dynamics Review Screen will NOT show inactive CRM records.
  • Show Inactive Records - The DQ for Dynamics Review Screen WILL show inactive CRM records.
  • Show Merged/Linked/Skipped Automatically/Skipped Supressed Groups - The DQ for Dynamics Review Screen WILL show merged, linked, skipped and suppressed records.

Audit Log (Dynamics ONLY)

The Audit log section allows Users to perform two functions:

  • Configure what information is logged in the DQ for Dynamics Audit Logs
  • Select the User to be shown in the CRM Audit history as a reviewer

Audit Log Settings (Dynamics ONLY)

There are 3 options to choose from:

  • No Logs: If selected, logs won’t be added for the records auto filled in the CRM. By default, this option is selected.
  • Only Winning Records Logs: If selected, logs will be added for the records auto filled in the CRM only for the winning duplicate records.
  • All Records Logs: If selected, logs will be added for auto filling in CRM for both the winning duplicate records and respective losing duplicate records.

Only Winning Records Logging Example

Record TitleAttribute NameMaster Original ValueValue From DuplicateStatusCreatedOn
Dupe No.1City3 RiverThree RiverWinner01-01-0000
Dupe No.1Emailabc@Example.comaba@Example.comWinner01-01-0000

All Record Logging Example

Record TitleAttribute NameMaster Original ValueValue From DuplicateStatusCreatedOn
Dupe No.1City3 RiverThree RiverWinner01-01-0000
Dupe No.2City3 RiverThri RiverLoser01-01-0000
Dupe No.3City3 RiverThree RiversLoser01-01-0000
Dupe No.1Emailabc@Example.comaba@Example.comWinner01-01-0000
Dupe No.2Emailabc@Example.comdef@Example.comLoser01-01-0000
Dupe No.3Emailabc@Example.comghi@Example.comLoser01-01-0000

Audit History (Dynamics Only)

Select the user to be shown on the CRM Audit Logs:

  • Admin User (Primary) - this is the User account that connects your CRM instance with our DQ for Dynamics application (Super Admin User)
  • Logged in User - Current logged in Microsoft user account

Note: For a Guide on how to install the our Audit Log Functionality. Please see our Audit Log Guide

Memo Field Configuration (Dynamics ONLY)

Memo Field Configuration Settings will be used to define the Manual Fill rules for the Memo Fields from Account, Contact and Leads entity. After clicking on ‘Memo Field Configuration’ under 'Custom Settings', you will navigate to the screen below:

Select Entity: Select the Entity from the drop-down to set the Memo field configuration.

Display Attributes By: You can toggle the list of attributes of the selected entity either by:

  • Display Name
  • Schema Name

Entity Attributes: As per the entity selected, all the related attributes populate here. You can drag and drop the attributes from here to the Memo fields section. You can sort the attributes in ASC or DESC order.

Hover the curser over the 'Attribute Icon' and it will tell you the attribute type.

If attributes are listed by ‘Display Name’, hover the curser on the Attribute Name and it will show you the ‘Schema Name’ for the attribute and vice-versa.

You can search the required Attribute/Rule Option from the list by using the Keyword Search feature. 

Please note - if the attributes are listed by ‘Display Name’, you can search only by the keywords for ‘Display Name’ and not by the keywords for ‘Schema Name’ and vice-versa

Default Action: The rules dragged in this section are listed here with the following information:

  • Show options while reviewing
  • Replace Target
  • Append to Target
  • Prepend to Target

Status Reason (Dynamics ONLY)

During a Cross Entity Dedupe, what 'Status' would you like to set for the Lead records upon a merge of duplicated records? . From this screen you can set the ‘Status Reason’ for records from the Account, Contact & Lead entities when records are deactivated/qualified/disqualified.

Adding a new Status Reason: You can add a new status reason by clicking on the plus sign in the top right hand corner.

after which you will see the pop-up below:

From this screen, you will be able to define the status reason relating to a specific entity.

Single Entity

  • Entity - Account/Contact/Lead
  • Status Reason
    • Account - Inactive
    • Contact - Inactive
    • Lead - Lost/Cannot Contact/No longer Contacted/Cancelled

Cross Entity

  • Source Entity - Lead
  • Target Entity - Account or Contact
  • Merge Action - This is the action you will perform on the lead record:
    • Qualify
    • Disqualify
  • Status Reason
    • Lead - Lost/Cannot Contact/No longer Contacted/Cancelled

NOTE: Custom Status Reasons can be added by editing the Status Reason picklist values.

Across Entity Approach (Dynamics ONLY)

The Across Entity Merge Approach settings give you the ability to choose which approach to take when dealing with matches, we have added the following options: For Lead to Account merging we are providing two approaches:

1. Link to Account 2. Link to Account, Merge & Deactivate

For Lead to Contact merging we are providing four approaches:

1. Link to Contact 2. Link to Contact, Merge & Deactivate 3. Link to Contact & Account of the Contact 4. Link to Contact & Account of the Contact, Merge, Deactivate

To edit your chosen approach, simply double-click the row and select your desired approach. 

Lead to Account:

  • Link to Account - On selection of this approach, Lead records will be linked with a Master Account record using the ParentAccountId field. Also note that other duplicate accounts will also be merged with the Master Account and then their status will be updated to inactive.
  • Link to Account, Merge & Deactivate - On selection of this approach, when a new Account is created, the old Master Account record will be merged with the new Account record. Then, the Master record will be linked with the Lead using a ParentAccountID. After that, the newly created account will be deactivated. Additionally, other duplicate contacts will also be merged with the Master Contact and then the status will be updated to inactive. 

Lead to Contact:

  • Link to Contact - On selection of this approach, the Lead record will be linked with the Master Contact record using the ParentContactId field. Also, other duplicate contacts will be merged with the Master Contact and will be given the status of inactive.
  • Link to Contact, Merge & Deactivate - On selection of this approach, the new Contact gets created, and the old Master Contact record will be merged with the new Contact record. Then, the Master record will be linked with the Lead using the ParentContactId field. Once this happens, the newly created account will be deactivated. Additionally, the other duplicate contacts will be merged with the Master Contact and their status will be updated to inactive.
  • Link to Contact & Account of the Contact– It will be the same as approach [I], however, the only difference is the Lead will be linked to the Master (contact) as well as the Account that is related to that Contact.
  • Link to Contact & Account of the Contact, Merge, Deactivate - It will be the same as approach [ II ], with the only difference being, the Lead will be linked to the Master (contact), as well as the Account that is related to that Contact.

Custom Transform Library Configuration

This section is used to define the list of transforms under particular categories. After clicking on ‘Custom Transform Library Configuration’ under 'Advanced Settings', you will navigate to the screen below:

Categories: Display the list of all the default and User added Custom Transform Libraries in ASC order by default. You can edit the library by expanding the groups and altering the existing libraries, or creating new custom transform libraries.

Example - 'Mickey Mouse' will now transform to 'MM' when this category is selected in the match transformations (step 3).

In order to add new transformations, or create a new custom transformation folder, then follow the below steps:

New Transformation: Please click on the plus icon. You will see the below pop-up, where you will be able to choose the existing category and then add your new transformation values.

New Transformation Group: Please click on the folder icon. You will see the below pop-up, where you can add a new transformation category.

NOTE: Please remember to save before exiting the page.

Related Entities

This section allows you to enable related entities to display within DQ for Dynamics. This is to prevent loading of entities which are not being used in matching, merging or re-parenting.

First, select your primary entity in the ‘select entity’ section at the top of the page. From here, you can load all the tables that are relating to your selected table.

There are four columns to consider when including related entities; Post merge, Display Settings, Match, and Reparenting. See below for their technical descriptions.

Include for Post Merge Configuration: This section allows you to tag related tables that you would like to include for deduplication after a merge has taken place. Once tagged, the entity will then display in the *Post Merge* configuration.

Please follow the remaining configuration steps here.

Include for Display Setting Configuration: This section allows you to enable related tables for display on the DQ for Dynamics Review Screen. Please refer to Display and Auto Fill to further understand the final configuration steps.

Include for Match: This section allows you to include fields from related tables when matching on your primary table.

For example, you may want to find duplicate contacts by matching from a custom email table. Therefore, you would want to include the email field from the email table to define whether a contact was duplicated. Please see the following section for final related entity matching configuration. A detailed guide on related entity matching can be found here.

Include for Reparenting: This section allows you to tag the tables you would like to include for re-parenting when merging custom entities. Unlike mergeable entities, custom entities will not automatically reassign related entities to the master record. 

For example – when you merge Opportunities (a custom entity), any phone calls or notes relating to the duplicated opportunity will need to be re-assigned to the master (surviving opportunity) by checking that related entity under the Include for Reparenting column.

WARNING: If these related tables are not tagged prior to merging, related entities may become orphaned when custom entities become merged. Make sure any relevant related entities are tagged before merging.

Entity Configuration

This page allows you to set default values to specific fields of non-mergeable duplicate entities when running sessions on mergeable entities. 

When a duplicate non-mergeable entity is identified, this page will allow you to select specific fields which you would like to change when 'deactivating' the duplicate non-mergeable entities.

For example, when merging duplicate Accounts, these rules will decide the default fields (such as Est. Revenue, Status etc.) of any identified duplicate opportunities, as they are unable to be merged.

A direct link to this page can be found within Custom Entity Configuration.

Auto Exact & Merge Rules

This section allows you to select whether you enable the ability for Users to automatically merge identical records in the Account/Contact or Lead entity.

For example, after running a session and duplicates have been grouped together, do you want to allow the records which are an exact, 100% match to be auto-merged.

Please select the entity and then activate/deactivate the rules as relevant. By default these will be activated.

Refresh Metadata

This setting has no dedicated page. This screen is used to interrogate CRM attributes and update any changes. Selecting the metadata refresh will pop this screen:

Note: This may take 2 to 3 minutes.

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